Inspect Live - powered by leading real estate paltforms Forms Live, REI Forms Live and Realworks.

inspection reports in under 10 min. seriously.

We were tired of searching for an efficient & compliant inspection report app. So we made one.

get started today with a FREE trial*

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NB: Inspect Live is temporarily unavailable on Android

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If you're a Property Manager,

you'll love Inspect Live!

Inspect Live customer testimonial from Amal Khodair-Vemana, General Manager (Amkar Real Estate, Adelaide)

Amal Khodair-Vemana

General Manager (Amkar Real Estate, Adelaide)

"I always try to be fair to both parties. That’s why it’s important to capture everything in the report - from walls and carpets to door knobs and toilet seats. Inspect Live allows me to do that, and helps prevent any future disputes between owner and tenant. I love it! But more importantly, owners and tenants love it."

Say hello to the easiest way

to conduct your inspection reports.

Hate manually filling out property inspection sheets? Save time and energy by selling properties faster & smarter with Inspect Live.

  • mobile icon with a finger dragging and dropping blocks onto the screen.

    fast & reliable

    Inspect Live helps manage the inspection process from start to finish. Create customised visual reports in a matter of minutes.

  • mobile phone with a person adding a tick badge to a completed form.

    powerful & flexible

    You’re in control with Inspect Live: add custom rooms, record unique items, reuse or modify tenant data to create reports for any property.

  • a person holding a form with a tick badge in their hands.

    offline first

    Inspect Live makes it easy to create and complete forms entirely offline. Then, when it suits you, securely upload your forms to REI Forms Live/Realworks.

  • mobile phone screen with a person adding content blocks to a form.

    seamless integration

    Inspect Live integrates seamlessly with REI Forms Live/Realworks subscription - the online form creation tool that creates more time in your day.

  • hand holding a mobile with a tick displaying on the screen to show a completed form.

    Legally compliant

    Inspect Live is legally compliant in all states and territories, and endorsed by REINSW, REISA, REIWA, REINT, REIQ and REIACT.

  • a mobile phone with a customer on the screen, talking with a customer service representative standing next to the mobile phone.

    support & feedback

    Inspect Live gives you access to dedicated, responsive support. We also welcome feedback to help us keep Inspect Live working better for you.

    Get full control over the property inspection report process. Simple, powerful and easy to use, make inspections a breeze.

    Start your FREE* Trial Today!

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    NB: Inspect Live is temporarily unavailable on Android

    * Free one month trial is activated when user logs into Inspect Live with their REI Forms Live/Realworks credentials. Free trial can only be activated once per Agency account. To review trial access initiation date, see Addons in your REI Forms Live/Realworks Account Details area (principal users only).

    Customer Stories

    Inspect Live customer testimonial from Tina Case, Property Manager (The Professionals Group, Lithgow)

    Tina Case

    Property Manager (The Professionals Group, Lithgow)

    "As a Property Manager, I’m out of the office quite a bit, so portability is a big thing for me - being able to do my ‘paperwork’ while at a property is a great time-save. Using Inspect Live to do an inspection report on my phone or tablet is fabulous - it remembers my key phrases, so I don’t have to retype every comment. I can also make changes to a report after I’ve closed the app…it’s not locked. Put Simply, I’m much more productive and the landlords love it."

    Reports to Suit Any Property

    It's as easy as 1, 2, 3

    You’re a lot closer to building and reusing custom reports to match any architectural layout than you think.

    • checkbox icon

      step 1

      check boxes

      Create custom reports to suit any property type. Add unique rooms and items, re-use tenant data and much more. Inspect Live gives you the control.

    • upload icon

      step 2

      insert photos

      Create custom reports to suit any property type. Add unique rooms and items, re-use tenant data and much more. Inspect Live gives you the control.

    • save icon

      step 3

      press save

      Create custom reports to suit any property type. Add unique rooms and items, re-use tenant data and much more. Inspect Live gives you the control.

    everything you can do with

    Customisable Inspection Reports

    Supports 3 common report types

    Add custom rooms and items

    Share and email completed forms

    Access to dedicated support

    Legally Compliant

    a person juggling forms inside the Inspect Live property inspection application.

    Sync & store on REI Forms Live

    Regular Updates

    Create Forms from existing data

    Take and attach photos

    Safe and Secure

    It's time for improved, efficient inspections that save you time, money – all you need is a phone or tablet and you're away!

    Start your FREE* Trial Today!

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    NB: Inspect Live is temporarily unavailable on Android

    * Free one month trial is activated when user logs into Inspect Live with their REI Forms Live/Realworks credentials. Free trial can only be activated once per Agency account. To review trial access initiation date, see Addons in your REI Forms Live/Realworks Account Details area (principal users only).

    Frequently asked questions

    What forms can I create in Inspect Live?
    The following forms are available to be created through Inspect Live: 1. Entry / Ingoing Condition Report 2. Exit / Outgoing Condition Report 3. Routine Inspection Report
    Am I able to customise the reports for different properties?
    Forms can be modified to suit each individual premise. Any rooms or items added to a form through Inspect Live will be reflected in the downloaded pdf
    Can I sync the data from the app into REI Form Live?
    Electronic signatures, or eSignatures, are a broad category of methods for signing a document. A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that uses a specific technical implementation.Digital signature providers like DocuSign follow the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) protocol.
    Will the photos from the app be visible in REI Form Live?
    Whenever a form has been created, edited or had photos attached it must be synced before the changes will be shown in REI Forms Live/Realworks. When an Inspect Live report is printed or shared/emailed, all photos will appear at the end of the form. Photos taken via Inspect Live will be visible in REI Forms Live/Realworks once you have Synced your forms via the Photos button.
    What operating systems support Inspect Live?
    iOS 9+ (iPad, iPhone). Temporarily unavailable on Android.